Monday, December 12, 2005

Few Questions I need to Know

They want everything for my best,
But nothing is always gonna be the best,
Something is always not the best,
Because not everything is the best.

ie. Nothing is perfect.

Have always been idealistic,
Always been in fairytale world,
Never seen the real hurtful world,
Yet do understand the feel of painfulness.

Can't bare to be selfish,
Can't bare to be unrealistic,
Can't bare to be hurtful,
Would rather be hurt.

To be protected
To get hurt?

Monday, December 05, 2005

She is SO kind......


A girl whom I only met once, when she came to Melbourne for her boyfriend's graduation.
A girl whom I only talked to a few times during her two weeks stay in Melbourne.
A girl whom my friend or *housemate* should really, really, really appreciate.

She knows what songs I like.
She looks for all the songs that I like.
She translated all lirics of the songs I like into english subtitle for me.
She burnt a CD for me from Malaysia.
She bought me a memory card reader from Malaysia, realizing my broken reader when she was in Melbourne.
She sent me the gifts from Malaysia.

I had a pleasant surprise.
I was speechless.
I was touched.
I really need to think think and think how to surprise her back..........THINK~

I am so blessed and loved, again....

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Hello How are you?

Sorry was not there when you needed to feel the presence,
Sorry was not there to give you physical support,
Sorry was not able to do nothing to help you feel better or happier,
Sorry for being speechless and helpless.


Sibling-bondship, Friendship or Relationship

Similarities between
Siblings, Friendship and Relationship:

  • Caring
  • Worrying
  • Praying
  • Hoping
  • Thinking
  • Missing
  • Loving

How can we distinguish the feelings amongst these three different bondings?
