Monday, December 05, 2005

She is SO kind......


A girl whom I only met once, when she came to Melbourne for her boyfriend's graduation.
A girl whom I only talked to a few times during her two weeks stay in Melbourne.
A girl whom my friend or *housemate* should really, really, really appreciate.

She knows what songs I like.
She looks for all the songs that I like.
She translated all lirics of the songs I like into english subtitle for me.
She burnt a CD for me from Malaysia.
She bought me a memory card reader from Malaysia, realizing my broken reader when she was in Melbourne.
She sent me the gifts from Malaysia.

I had a pleasant surprise.
I was speechless.
I was touched.
I really need to think think and think how to surprise her back..........THINK~

I am so blessed and loved, again....


Miken.Chin said...

So thoughtful of her..happy for you..:)
i thought of buying u the memory reader u need anything else? can buy it n bring it for you in jan..your foot is size 6 right? cant wait for that time to arrive!!

mELbiEpiE said...


I LOVE YOU ERCIA~!! :D I know you wanted to buy for me the memory card reader, but now can save money on the memory card reader and you can buy me other more exciting things~! MUAHGAHAHA ~!

hMMMMmmm.....maybe a......MP3 player that doesn't have to use battery??? and can save 300++ SONGS......:D:D:D my mp3 player now can only keep 28 songs....:S:S:S

what else do you like from melbie apart from your favs that I knew of from COLES? :D

Miken.Chin said... new mp3 player can save thousands of songs..who gave u your current mp3 player with only 28songs? :O

nothing else except U!! the goodies from Coles will do (^_^) n make sure got sales before u buy :p *muacks*muacks*muacks*