Wednesday, September 28, 2005

She's fallin' sicK

She's feelin' sick...
She's fallin' sick...
She's callin' sick...
She's waitin' sick...
She's nevabin' sick...
She's gettin' sick.

I feel sick.

Stupid virus~


Miken.Chin said...

oh...down with flu? i am down with flu today...sneeze non-stop T_T...

mELbiEpiE said...

Noo a, no flu but sore throat, headache and bodyache....:S Yesterday night had *ui kua*.....Of all things.......I prefer flu everyday rather than this.....remember when I was in Hainan tao? something like that....stupid.

Miken.Chin said...

oh..did u eat medicine? still work today mc? take care ya..n drink more water, eat more fruits...if still sick better rest on weekends...