Monday, August 17, 2009

Childhood and Home

Recently, I had a flashback of most my childhood memoir after looking over and over again at the photos that Shu-Yin posted up in facebook back in 1993 up till 1999. Its really nice being able to reminisce such beautiful reflections of ourselves when we were little, once in a while.

How I miss those times, miss all of you, miss being innocent and naive, miss the genuine happiness and laughter, miss the solid friendship we built over the few years, miss the freedom, miss being irresponsible, miss playing "cop and thief" during history or add-math classes, miss catching public transports with besties, miss car-pooling with besties after tuition classes, miss going to besties' house for a cookout and movie night, miss having besties over at my place, miss hanging out with besties, miss going hiking trips, miss going to camps, miss having school activities under the hot sun.

Miss being taken care of, miss the love and attention from home, miss having mum or dad to come pick me up after school, miss having mum waiting and looking out for me while I have my swimming lessons, miss mum driving me around like crazy after school for piano lessons, miss mum driving me to tuition and dancing classes, miss taking money from mum's wallet, miss popo's home-cooked food, miss having cake-bread wraps for school break, miss the long phone chats and get scolded by granny, miss the smell of rain, miss having full family reunion dinners, miss pillow fights with koko and ercia, miss watching tvb series with family during dinner time, miss home.

If only.....................
Life doesn't evolve,
Clock doesn't tick,
Happiness remains,
Immortality exists,

Reality is,
Life evolves,
Clock ticks,
Happiness's temporary,
So is birth.

Who can tell.......................
What's gonna happen next?
How shall one face grieves, and more grieves?
Be strong one shall, but to what extend shall one's strength be?
Heartbreak is an affliction,
One that's most difficult to heal,
Even with time.


Catherine said... come i miss your this particular post one?? nowadays when i click on ur link from my blog, only show me 1 post one wo..hmm

anyway yalo, miss miss miss..good old days were the best huh..
well, we can only look fwd and continue on strongly..hand-in-hand or knowing i am still by ur side ;)


mELbiEpiE said...

Hmm...I think I must have set my posts to be one per page. Nvm, some of the posts were meant to be self-rambling =)

Thanks Tang Mei, know you'll always be there. Sometimes life's just real tough I reckon. Anyways, we'll still have to strive on....hand-in-hand =)

*bIg HugZ*