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1. Never bother telling me what's going on with your life.2. Never tell me what you're feeling.3. Never discuss problems with me.
4. Never call me or text me......................once or twice aweek is NOT enough when you are so far away~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!5. Not interested in my daily routine.6. Made me feel uncared AND unloved.7. I need to be assured.........................and I have repeated this MANY times, but you never give a damn.8. I know you are busy and tired and stressed. But these are no lame excuses for not even interested in chatting with me for a blardy 5minutes during yer break~!???!!!??What do you think theeeessee is all about? Is it obvious or I'm just dumb....?I am emo enough but this is just aggravating my crabbiness~!I don't wanna give no shit with this rlsp anymore.... Can I ?
Absolute impossible for any human beings to exist without facing no problems or worries in their lifetime. According to the Buddha, in order to overcome the problems we must first understand their nature and origin. In actual fact, by mistaking “the unreal for the real” we create enormous problems for ourselves - tis’ so true.
And so here I am, trying to understand the cause of my problem, so to hope there can be no more reason for me to suffer from undue fear, worries and insecurity. If I could view my problem as a tiny-miny one, I would tolerate it to the best of my ability and do what I could to alleviate the suffering. Moreover, one cannot expect overcome a problem completely without facing no other problem, or to the worst, not sacrificing anything physically or mentally.
Therefore, the Buddha introduced this practical method, a method that does not only to patch up a problem here and there simply to satisfy us for the time being. Rather he taught us the way to penetrate to the root of the problem and to find out the main cause of it. What's the main cause of my problem and how shall I penetrate it???????Too difficult.......................................................................
HAPPY HAPPY NEW YEAR~!Tis a brand new year, Tis a brand new start,May this year be more meaningful than ever,May it bring, Good luck, Great health,Complete success and,Abundance of happiness,To everyone.