Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Its all about emotions......

Emotions can make one happy,
Emotions can make one motivated,
Emotions can make one relax.
Emotions can make one miserable,
Emotions can make one dispirit,
Emotions can make one tired.

Boundless reasons to trigger emotions.....
Can be news that are happy or sad,
Can be the surrounding environment,
Can be people or friends,
Can be work,
Can be PMS,
Can be homesickness,
Can be memory reminiscence,
Can be whatsoever that is in one's mind....
Mind that is versatile.

Things that can be done to prevent being such an emotional freak?

Try to believe in oneself and cultivate positive thinking.....
Meditate, meditate, meditate.....
OmmmpHhh Mani Pat Mer HommmmmpHhh.......

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