Friday, August 19, 2005

Where have I been to?

I have been to nowhere,
Yet I have not been home for nearly one week,
I was home yesterday night,
Yet I was only home for one night in the entire week,
Which I think I shouldn't have,
B'coz I am currently in a housekeeping position.
I am feeling guilty,
Yet, still was not under my control,
Just coz I was keeping friends company.

What should I do?


Miken.Chin said...
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Miken.Chin said...

A Favor is a Favor, but somethings cannot go OveRBoArd. If they want you to keep them company, once a while..when u are on holiday or weekends..but now you are working! u need good rest and good sleep...
My advice is..dont feel guilty coz u are doing a favor..there must always be compromise & understanding among you and your friends...dont say is under your control..u must control yourself..